RCCG Sunday School (Europe Region) Annual Conference 2024
RCCG Sunday School (Europe Region)
Annual Conference 2024
Theme: You Are My Battle Axe
Date: 25th & 26th October 2024
Time: 6pm on Friday and 120am on Saturday
Please save the dates and endeavour to attend
God bless you
4 Bible Reading Strategies for Reading Plan Quitters

Do you sometimes find yourself being envious of the people who start a Bible reading plan, follow it faithfully, and stick through until the end? Then, they start the same Bible reading plan the next year and persevere to the end again. I’m sorry, I just struggle with doing that. Sometimes I find that I get halfway through a Bible reading plan, get bogged down, and cannot go any further.
5 Truths to Understand When Leading Leaders

Most of the time, when the topic of leadership is brought up, we tend to immediately begin talking about how to lead “doers.” By doer I simply mean the people who are there to do a job.
They signed up to volunteer in your ministry. You hired them to work in a specific department. They are on your team and are expected to carry out tasks. They are doers.
God Is Looking for ‘Abigail Leaders’ in Our Divisive Society

“Once upon a time … in a land far, far away … there lived a beautiful and wise young woman who was married to a brute of a man …”
Although those words may sound like they have sprung from the pages of a Brothers Grimm fairy tale or a Disney movie, the truth is that this story is found in the Bible.