Order Your 2022/23 Sunday School Manuals Now






Dear Pastor,

Please find the list of hubs and order forms for the 2022/23 Sunday school manuals. 

Use the list to answer queries and signpost brethren as needed. Remind those who enquire that they should contact the nearest walk in hub to them from the 10th of August to find out when they can come to pick manuals.

Secondly, they should go to the hubs with a completed order form and a printout of their payment to the Sunday School account by BACS transfer for the number of manuals they need.

Lastly, the current price for those who want to pick it up from the hubs is £5.00 till the 10th of September 2022, while those who want it posted to them will pay £5.50 till the 10th of September. From the 11th September, the prices change to £5.50 and £6.00 respectively.

God bless you

RCCG Sunday School Europe Region (UK, Ireland & Mainland Europe)






2016 Teachers Manuals

Student’s Manual – PDF

Student’s Workbook – PDF