RCCG Sunday School UK Guidelines for Co-ordinators and Teachers

Teachers in the Sunday school department are expected to attend a teachers preparatory meeting, to look and study the lesson to be taught that week. It is not advisable for a teacher who did not attend the preparatory class to teach, because he/she may not know the biblical or RCCG stand of the topic to be taught. The purpose of the teachers preparatory meeting include:

  • 1. To do a careful study and analysis of the lesson to be taught until the core of the lesson is understood by the teacher (who should first learn as a student).
  • 2. To read and critically ascertain the appropriateness and relevance of every Bible quotation in the lesson.
  • 3. To discuss and agree on the divergent views on a subject and reach a unified conclusion in line with the Scriptures.
  • 4. On no account should teachers argue on a topic in the presence of people/students. All that should be sorted out during the preparatory meeting.
  • 5. Teach the Word without compromise or apology, but with love, humility, avoid being condemning, judgemental or discourteous in your teaching, be firm but loving.  Eph. 4:15, 25.

Exalt Jesus in all your teaching. Let everyone know they need a saviour regardless of personal challenges, status, religion etc. John 3: 1-5, 14-15; Acts 8: 5, 27-35, Acts 9:20 (what are the attributes of Philip as a teacher and preacher demonstrated here?)

Emphasise salient doctrines and spiritual experiences in your teaching. John 3:1-7; 4:19-24 – Salvation, Holiness, Holy Spirit baptism etc.

Teach until your listener understands, for no learning has taken place till the students know what you are teaching. This can be achieved through various means, viz:

  • Teach in plain simple terms, and not grand theological phrases.
  • Use pictures/suitable teaching aids and choice of language that will make the truth come alive in living colour. Metaphors, parables, similes, etc. were used by Jesus in the gospels.
  • Relate/repeat your message when necessary. Be focused in achieving your objective. Students must go home with a clear understanding of the lesson taught hence, you need thorough preparation so that you can discover the basic lesson taught in the lesson.

PRAY, PRAY, PRAY! This can never be over emphasized. Jesus prayed the whole night for just few hours teaching. Pastor E. A. Adeboye fasts and prays for weeks for a few hours of sermons/teachings.

We are shaping lives and destinies through the Word. It’s a sacred job. People’s lives and eternity depends on the Word.


  • The Word will bear fruit and our labour in the teaching ministry will not be in vain.
  • The church will be at peace. Wrong doctrine brings disharmony and aggravation. Acts 15: 1-2, 22-23, 30-31.
  • Tremendous growth. Acts 5:11-16; 19; 9-10; 6:27-28.
  • The church will be prepared for the second coming of Jesus. Eph 5:27.
  • The doctrine of Christ will be preserved for coming generations.


True believers must be unwavering in the practice of the doctrine they accepted. This is why removing the ancient church landmark is a gross abuse of the call to teach and lead in the body of Christ. Any deviation from sound doctrine in the church is an end time spirit. Watch out! 2Tim 2:13; John 17:16; 2Tim 4:1-3.